Monday, March 9, 2015



                     If you were fascinated by how Mr. Riordan narrated stories based on Greek POV’s, then this time, in the second book of the Heroes of Olympus series, it’s time to shift into a different world. Let’s try to explore more stories as we travel into a different dimension as we get to know the Roman Demigods.
               This will give us more friends, more challenges, and more lessons. As we will see the events in the series from another point of view, we will try to discover MORE.
                The first book (my previous entry), The Lost Hero¸ started introducing one character from the Roman Camp, named Jason. And it was later unveiled that Percy Jackson was swapped in place of Jason to somehow unite the two camps. And this is where Percy’s adventure, in the Roman World, begins.
                The second book contains similar events with the first book. With Percy, at first, trying to escape furious attacks by two weird creatures, and with him, the same with Jason, dealing with some sort of amnesia. But one word remains in the mind of Percy. Annabeth. He was pretty sure that he has to find a way back to where Annabeth is, because deep inside him, he knew very well that Annabeth is not just a simple name. It became Percy’s motivation to continue to dwell with things even if the whole Roman World is new to him.
                But as I was reading this book, and with some realization from the first book, why does both characters, Percy and Jason, has to suffer memory loss? Can they not work well with their memories and someone has to get their memories away from them? I mean, have you imagined yourself knowing nothing, remembering nothing, and still, you have to go through a lot of things, even fighting with weird creatures? (Okay, even if you remove that ‘fighting’ part, it is still the same.) Memories can help them withstand pressures, but why does someone has to remove it from them? Is it for them to be motivated to do their task properly? Uh-oh? It may sound cruel, (VERY CRUEL) but that is the real score. They needed something to keep them from standing up against all odds. And luckily, both of them succeeded.
                Percy decided to follow his instincts. At the early part of the book, he had a chance to escape the 2 creatures tailing him when he saw the sea. A thought came to him, saying that if he chose to dive to the sea, those creatures will stop from hunting him. But in exchange, he would never see Annabeth again. So, he didn’t chose that, instead, he chose to enter a more intriguing decision, as he enters the Roman camp for roman demigods claimed by the Roman gods. *sigh* “A more Roman life.” That means a more violent, war-freak, danger-seeking, life for Percy. But he managed to pull it over and yes, he, together with Jason at the Greek camp, managed to pull out the chosen demigods to answer the Great Prophecy that states that there are 7 demigods, a mixture of both camp, will lead the rest of the Demigods to war against Gaea.
                Honestly, I can’t wait to share what the totality of this series is all about guys. And on my last edition of my reading log, all will end. Is it the fall of the Olympians? Or will Percy be able to mount a huge wave of heroes to fend off Gaeas giants marching towards both Greek and Roman worlds?


(A poem based on the Heroes of Olympus series)

It all started when leaders were swapped,
When someone has to take charge and close the open gap,
Between two camps that yell at each other,
And form the seven heroes that will defy the borders.

From the start, we knew it was happening
That at that moment, Gaeas giants are ravening
But we didn’t hide and we didn’t simply crumble and fall,
For we all know that at the end we will surely stand tall.

But along the risky pathway to victory,
We knew it was going to be bloody and weary.
But we should not tremble, we should all fight
                                         For this is for both camps, the source of our might.                                           
Death in war may instantly come,
But for us Heroes, he is always welcome,
For if we die in that battlefield, we die in victory,
For a blood shed in war, is a blood shed for dignity.

In the photo (L-R): Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque.
Photo grabbed from:

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